Answering Your Child Support Questions
Divorcing parents often have many questions about child support payments. At the Rochester firm of Rolsch Law Offices, attorney Steve Rolsch has guided divorcing parents through child support and custody arrangements since 1984. He has the experience and in-depth knowledge you need to create lasting solutions.
How Is Child Support Determined?
Minnesota evaluates the financial situations of both parents to determine child support. The court uses a formula-based child support calculator to estimate payments from the noncustodial parent. They consider many factors, including:
- The number of children in the family
- Each parent’s income
- The cost of child care and medical insurance
- Any other support orders for either parent
- The custody arrangement and division of parenting time
Can The Amount Of Child Support Change?
Child support can be modified after the initial order due to a significant change in income or circumstances. You must apply for a formal court modification. You cannot independently decide to reduce your support or stop paying it. Modification requires an application and court approval. If you fail to fully pay support before it is modified, you can be held in contempt of court.
What If My Ex Fails To Make Payments?
You have a right to receive the full amount of court-mandated child support. At Rolsch Law Offices, we can advocate for you and help you secure the full amount of support you need. Our experienced family law lawyer can strongly enforce existing orders if the other parent does not make payments.
Contact Us For Trusted Guidance
Whether you are considering divorce or have a support order that requires modification or enforcement, our team can provide the guidance you need.
Call Rolsch Law Offices at 507-280-1943 or toll-free at 800-356-1943 to schedule for a consultation to discuss your situation. You may also contact our Rochester office online.