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How you can guide your children through a divorce

On Behalf of | Jul 29, 2024 | Divorce

A divorce can be one of the most challenging ordeals that a family faces. While it can be hard on you and your spouse, it may be especially difficult for your children.

One study published by World Psychiatry found that a divorce could cause developmental problems and academic difficulties for children in their formative years.  This is why it is beneficial to gently guide your kids through a divorce.

Break the news together

When the time comes for you to inform your kids about a divorce, it may be beneficial for you and your spouse to work together. Consider these strategies:

  • Reassure them: Your children may feel as if they are at fault for your divorce. It is crucial to reassure them that they had nothing to do with it and to make them feel loved during this particularly difficult period. It could also be good for you and your spouse to give them hope for the future.
  • Keep things positive: Whatever the reason may be for the divorce, you and your spouse should make an effort to avoid badmouthing and blaming one another in front of the kids. This could keep them from feeling conflicted and from picking sides during the divorce.
  • Talk to them: Your kids may feel a whirlwind of emotions during your divorce. This is why it is essential that you and your spouse speak to them about how they feel to help them process the situation. Furthermore, you should let them know about changes in their living situation and schedules to prevent unpleasant surprises.

While it can be painful, there are strategies that you and your spouse can employ to guide your children through a divorce. Doing so could set up the foundation for successful co-parenting and protect their development as they grow up.
